Thursday, January 28, 2010

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By Johansson Smith

The greatest decision that anyone has to make for karaoke is what song they should attempt on stage. There are literally hundred of thousands of tracks accessible with most karaoke sets, so it can be intimidating looking through the great book of songs, but if you keep in mind a few hints it will make your night simpler, and allow as much enjoyment as possible.

First, it is crucial to only select songs that you can sing well and suits your vocals. Whether it is your first time or 101st time, you have to ascertain that you can achieve at least majority of the tones you need. If you have a low voice, there is! no point of opting music stars like Celine Dion or Whitney Houston, and the same goes for high-pitch voices; Barry White should be out of the question. Instead choose karaoke tracks that accommodate within your range, and that way rather of worrying about if you can hit that difficult note coming up, you will be able to loosen and just savour the song.

Selecting the right karaoke song also depends on what you are getting up stage for. If you are with friends, and looking at getting up as a group for a bit of fun, it is advised to pick out an up-tempo song that fits your mood instead of a slow ballad. If you are a regular, and want to take something a bit more challenging, there is nothing inappropriate in choosing a slower song if you can cover it.

If you're celebrating an adult / older folks birthday with a karaoke party. You need to know what songs to opt. Do your homework. You don't want to take any old karaoke song; you require to choo! se karaoke music that arouses a sensation of nostalgia. Find o! ut what songs were favourite when the party honoree grew up. Your easiest bet is to hear the top 10 songs of each year or decade and build your play lists around those karaoke songs.

But a small tip to remember about most karaoke bars is that most people are out to have a great time, so picking out a slow and sombre song that does not really fit the ambiance of the room can have sharp impressions.

Last, when choosing your karaoke song it is best to find a song with a melodic phrase and lyrics that you are at least intimate with. You do not have to recognise every song you get up stage for off by heart (thats why the karaoke screens are there to aid you) but picking out a karaoke song that you have listened more than once or twice will give you a bit more assurance in performing.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By Alex Weston

If you are one of the thousands of people who are looking at the roustabout jobs because you are interested in the offshore oil jobs; then you have come to the right place. Sure we hear the stories about how difficult it can be to find a great paying job. However you should know that the offshore oil jobs are still in demand and thousands of people have shown interest in them.

We all know that we need oil and gas and this year alone the company stands to make billions. The oil companies have spent over an excess of $400 billion on just drilling to find more oil alone. It does not seem as though we as a society will discontinue us! ing the supply that we have.

Finding these types of offshore oil jobs is not going to be easy; especially if you have no idea where to begin looking. These are not the types of jobs that you are going to find in the want ads of your local paper.

When looking for these roustabout jobs you have to become a little creating on how to begin looking for them. If you live in a oil town then you may be lucky enough to find it in your local paper; especially since they have an oil company in your town.

Take the time to drive down to the production site to see if you can talk to someone in charge. Ask them if they are hiring and that you are interested in the roustabout positions or any other type of position on the oil rig. They will see that you are interested and they may offer you a job if they are hiring.

Another great thing that you can do is find out where the employees hang out after working all day. If possible try to hang ! out at those spots and become friends with them. Once they beg! in to kn ow you and trust you; they will begin to let you know of any positions that the company is hiring for.

For more information about offshore oil jobs be sure to stop by our site right now to find out how to land these jobs and begin making the type of money that you only dreamed of.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Tian Li

On May 1 the gates will open on Expo 2010 Shanghai China, heralded as the biggest World Expo in the 150-year history of such events. 70 million visitors are expected!

Abou! t 200 nations and some 50 major international organizations such as the United Nations, the Red Cross and a few mainly Chinese companies, appointed as official sponsors or suppliers, will participate with own pavilions in the Expo. Other companies, including SKF, will share in their home countries' ventures.

World Expos date back to'59, when the first World Exhibition took place in London. Numerous such "world" events have followed, giving rise to landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, built for the'89 World Exhibition in Paris. World Expos are regarded as the Olympic Games of economy, science and technology.

The official theme for Expo 2010 is "Better City, Better Life", reflecting the fact that half the global population lives in cities, and that the challenges of urbanization are well known. Although Sweden is not facing the magnitude of problems associated with mega-cities, its efforts to create sustainable urban environments can serve as inspirat! ion.

Sweden will participate with a 3,000-square-! metre pa vilion and SKF is one of the main partners in the Swedish effort. The pavilion is being built in shape of a plus sign, with alleys between the houses. On the top floors of three of the pavilion's blocks will be a large multipurpose conference area; on top of the fourth will be a terrace for receptions, dinners and so on.

The theme for the Swedish participation is "Spirit of Innovation". In the pavilion there will be an exciting and attractive exhibition open to the public all six months. SKF will be integrated in the exhibition and our brand and some products and solutions will be exposed to the 3 to 4 million visitors that are expected to pass through the pavilion. During a few days in May and a week in September SKF will arrange customer meetings, seminars and conferences with special exhibitions in the conference area.

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By James Scott

There are many ways to use capital without using! bank loans, lines of credit and other shady methods like shelf corps and bogus platform scams. If you are truly trying to raise capital for your company here are some simple breakdowns of your options with a quick definition for each one:

PIPE: Private Investment In Public Equity this is used primarily by mutual funds and private investment firms where they buy discount stock in order to raise capital, there are two types of PIPE's traditional where common and preferred stock is issued at a set cap to raise money for the issuer and a structured pipe issues convertible debt.

DPO: Direct Public Offering is when you sell equity shares directly to customers, suppliers and employees.

PPM: Private Placement Memorandum is also known as an offering memorandum takes advantage of Regulation D rule exemptions 504, 505 and 506. This process came into existence with the'33 securities act and popularized in the late'80s, companies can raise money f! rom the public via private placement; there is virtually zero ! interact ion with the SEC after you file form d as long as you stay legal. (most popular form of fund raising).

IPO: Initial Public Offering: extremely expensive, need SOX 404 audits, must have board of directors, quarterly financial reports to shareholders, report heavily to the SEC and 1 out of every 1000 companies that want an IPO actually qualify. I love participating in these but most companies just can't qualify for one reason or the other.

OTCBB: Over the Counter Bulletin Board is an electronic quote system that is the next best thing if you can't go public via IPO, there is minimal red tape to start-ups and small businesses and is legitimized by the stringent ongoing reports to the SEC which keeps investor confidence high (these are extremely solid and I suggest this structure to companies when I am hired by their company or legal team as a consultant as a fast, easy way to raise big capital from the public otc)

Pink Sheet: you can look ! at pink sheets as the Burger King, while the OTCBB is McDonald's, they are competing OTC mechanisms. Pinks sheets are commonly referred to as penny stock and notorious for 'pump em' and dump em' controversies and a lot of crooked people are involved with this platform. This is not a long term process that will allow one's company to grow, pink sheets companies are typically short lived but it is cheap to set up but not a professional structure that could be upgraded in time to an IPO.

Reverse Merger: a group funds the filing and creation of a public shell, they then sell that shell to a company that wants to go public, the established company merges it's entity into the public shell. The sellers retain around 30% equity after they charge an upfront fee of 300k to 1m. 99% of reverse mergers are successful with the merger, but unsuccessful to bring them to trade and the entity basically just fizzles out.

Taking your company public is actually quite s! imple and inexpensive when you have the right consultant putti! ng the s tructure together for you. There are countless ways to raise capital quickly and easily. It's important that you understand your options before you waste time entering into the red tape infested banking system for a loan.

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Credit needed for real estate mortgage financing differs from credit needed for consumer loans. If you need help getting a home mortgage, these credit tips will help you.

Contrary to what many credit advisors say,! paying off credit cards each month is not always the best action to take. When making credit card payments, don''t pay the balance in full each month -- let a little roll over. Carry a balance on your credit card every other month --as little as a dollar. Paying balances in full does not increase your credit score; paying balances in full may in fact lower your credit score. Accounts with zero balances do not compute significantly in your total score. For instance, a credit card with a perfect payment history and no balance will not raise your credit score as much as a credit card with a low balance. Any balance keeps the card active so it computes in your credit score.

You most likely have been advised to cut up your credit cards and close your accounts. Following this advice degrades many credit scores.

Canceling Credit Cards

Canceling credit cards can lower your credit score. Keep your longest-term credit card account open to show long-ter! m credit history. If this account has prior late notations, ne! gotiate with the creditor to drop negative reporting on your credit history file. Slowly close out newer accounts after they are paid off. Keep your best accounts open -- those paid on time or reporting "pays as agreed" and with the longest history.

Credit card companies may raise your rate if you cancel a card before it is paid off; it is best to keep accounts with outstanding balances open until you pay them off.

Perfect Balance of Credit

1. Mortgage over one year old with all payments on time

2. Visa Card or Master Card with less than 10% of available credit as balance due

3. Discover or American Express Card with less than 10% of available credit as balance due

4. Auto loan either paid off or paid down with low payments compared to monthly income.

Debt-to-Income Ratio

Credit scores do not reflect income -- credit bureaus do not have income reported to them. However, real estate lenders look a! t the consumer debt-to-income ratio -- the amount of monthly debts in relation to the amount of earnings. Consumer debt is more highly regarded/scores higher if total debt is under 20% of net income, or total monthly payments on all debts is less than 35% of monthly gross income.

Qualifying Ratios

Lenders want the total debt ratio (the percentage of total monthly payments, including the new mortgage, to income) to be less than 33% for a typical conventional mortgage. This means the new mortgage payment, credit card payments, and all other monthly debt payments should not equal more than about one-third of the monthly income.

Lenders want the mortgage debt ratio (the percentage of the new mortgage payment to income) to be less than 28%.

Non-prime loans have lower standards; some lenders allow debt-to-income ratios as high as 55%. Borrowers with less than perfect credit qualify more easily for a non-prime loan compared to an "A-pape! r" loan.

Once you total your monthly expenses and! determi ne your debt ratio, you can estimate how much you can afford for a house payment. For example, if your income is around $3,000 per month, you can afford a home with payments around $1,000 per month (including taxes and insurance) with a conventional loan, if your other debt does not total more than 5% of your income.

For investors, these equations change. Lenders expect 10%-25% down on investment property and allow about 75% of the rental income to offset the debt ratio.

Understanding your credit helps you manage your credit so you can obtain real estate financing, either for the house of your dreams or for your financial future.

(c) Copyright 2005 Jeanette J. Fisher. All rights reserved.

Professor Jeanette Fisher is the author of "Credit Help! Get the Credit You Need to Buy Real Estate," "Doghouse to Dollhouse for Dollars: Using Design Psychology to Increase Real Estate Profits," and other books. Jeanette and her husband c! hose real estate investing to be able to care for their daughter with special needs. While buying and selling millions of dollars worth of real estate, the Fishers were forced into becoming credit experts.

Forget what you''ve been told about credit. Get the credit you need to buy real estate. Visit Real Estate Credit Help Center:', 127, 'New Credit Advice: Dont Pay off Those Credit Cards!, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'New Credit Advice: Dont Pay off Those Credit Cards! plus articles and information on Credit'

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